April 17, 2014 - (From the MTC)
James Graham, Hermana Sarah Huff, and Brittany Pike dropping off Sarah at the Provo MTC |
Provo, UT Misionary Training Center (MTC) |
Como estan?! I'm doing great! I made it to the CCM (MTC
para los espanol misioneros.) Boy has it been hard, but my testimony has already grown so much just in the last two days! I meant to write yesterday, but we had NO time and I had to unpack everything! I have to write a letter
porque my P-day isn't until Thursday! So you'll get an email from me in a week from now! It feels like I've already been here for weeks and it's only been a little more than 24
Pero que bueno! When you dropped me off at the airport I met three other sisters who were going to the MTC
tambien! I loved all three of them and it gave me such hope for
mi companiera!
Mi companiera se llamo Hermana Madsen. She is great! We get along pretty well. I have started writing down everything she likes and other information about her so that I can relate to her better and I have started to seek out ways to serve her!
Esta moy dificil to stay
con mi conpaniera. I always forget I have to watch out for someone else, but I'm working on it and getting better! Eventually it'll be habit. On the first day we had our first language class and they only speak Spanish! None of my teachers have spoken a word of English. Talk about frustrating, but I can already feel myself getting better! I said a whole sentence
en el bano with thinking! It was a huge victory for me! God works many miracles and I know that if I'm exactly obedient that I will be blessed and receive the gift of tongues...Eventually! I just have to be patient with myself and rely on the spirit! We teach our first investigator
en la manana! I was so stressed when I heard that, but Hermana Madsen and I will be fine. I don't think I'll want to come running home. Already I know this mission will be the hardest thing I've ever done, but I know it will be the most rewarding thing. I wear the name tag proud as a representative of Jesus Christ. I love this gospel and I love my Savior Jesus Christ! I'm so glad that I chose to come on a mission, but I'm also scared to death. I'm so busy with everything that I haven't even been homesick! Another blessing from God. I'm happy and I'm working hard! I love you all and I'll talk to you later!
Love, Hermana (weird:) Sarah Huff
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