Hola Familia!
Holy Cow, do you guys realize I leave the CCM on Monday! That's in 4 days! Woo Hoo!! I'm so excited but also super SUPER nervous but I know I'll love it there! I know I'm going to love the people because I already do... now :)
At the CCM there are people that walk around called "gold tag investigators" and we are supposed to talk with them and teach them and stuff and it's supposed to be like street contacting. So, Hermana Madsen and I never really talked to any of them because we were both pretty shy and not confident in our spanish but one day during language study we were about to do TAL (the online spanish learning thing we do) and I had just logged in and I got this feeling that we needed to go outside and find a gold tag investagator. So of course I said to myself, "well darn, looks like I'm learning Spanish in a different way today." But I closed my computer right away and I was like, "Hermana, we're going to go talk to a gold tag investagator" and she looked at me with these big eyes and a worried face and I just smiled at her, got up and was like, "Vamos!" So right when we walked out I looked for the first gold tag I could find and we walked (I walked and she followed like right behind me, out of sight). And that is how we met Gabriel. He is fantastic! Like, seriously wow. So at first we just talked about normal stuff. I asked him about his family and how his wife and him met which was a hilarious story! ( He did good at tricking her to fall in love with him) He showed us pictures of them and we told stories about ourselves and laughed and had a good time. I was so happy that we went and met him! Oh, one thing that I loved was that he told us that we would be speaking spanish perfectly in 2 months. I'm calling it a prophesy! I hope it comes true! I've just got to keep working on it and not get complacent :) Gabriel told me I could learn Spanish in 2 months so I'm going to make him proud :) Anyway! So he told us that we should come see him the next day and talk with him more and he could help us with spanish and stuff like that so we were SUPER excited and we went and met with him the next day and he told us all these incredible stories about his family and what he had done in his life and how Heavenly Father has blessed him. So after one story that he told about prayer and how God answers our prayers I just took my name tag off and I was like, "Gabriel, will you go to Mexico for me and teach? You're incredible!" and he just laughed and was like, "No, Hermana Huff, they need you there!" Oh my gosh, I learned so much from him. He has had a hard life but he knows that God has always been there for him. So we taught a bit about eternal families. It was incredible. I'll get a picture with him and send it home!
Anyway! So I got my travel plans last Friday and guess what time I leave on Sunday! That's right, 2:30 AM :) So I leave here at 2:30 which means that I will probably get to the airport at 3:30 AM and then my flight leaves at 6 AM to Dallas and I arrive in Dallas at 9:40 AM and then my flight to Aguascalientes is at 11:45 AM and I arrive in Mexico at 2 PM! WOO! I cannot wait! But anyway, I WILL be calling some of you at 3:30 in the morning. So Emily or Shelly make sure your phone is turned on loud! I don't care if you have work or school in the morning. I'm more important :) But then I'll have like an hour and a halfish in Dallas to call so just be prepared, I don't know when I'll be calling :) Mom, you can send me a letter with a schedule of who wants to be called when and I'll try my hardest to follow it. Discuss it amongst yourselves.
So, Ready for another incredible experience that I had? So Sunday night devotional we usually have a speaker and then we watch a movie (like the testaments or legacy or something like that) but this week they stood up and they were like we're going to watch "The Characters of Christ" by David A. Bednar for tonights devotional and I was like, "What?! No speaker?!" I was pretty disappointed so I sat there and watched this movie, expecting to watch two movies in one night, but then after the movie ended IN WALKS DAVID A. BEDNAR! Everyone scrambled to their feet and I was like Holy Moly that's David A. Bednar! So he walks right up the pulpit and is like, "I'm here to answer any questions you have for me about what you just watched or anything else." I literally almost peed myself. Good thing I went to the bathroom before the devotional! So that was a pretty cool experience :) That makes 6 of the 12 apostles that have come to see us! We are super special!
We had our last lesson with "Florangel" (she's actually our teacher) yesterday it went really well! Hermana Madsen still doesn't talk much during the lesson but she did really well in this last lesson I was so proud!
Oh, okay! Last story that I will tell is a funny experience. So Hermana Traenor always tries to scare me or creep me out or do something to me and so I've started doing the same thing back and I'd say I'm getting pretty good! So there was one time I had just gotten out of the shower, just put my towel and she jumps OUT OF THE BATHROOM CLOSET and scares the crap out of me. So I'm like on the floor trying to calm down and breath because I'm laughing so hard and I was also scared to death but luckily I survived that attack! So she is super sensitive to light toughes and they freak her out a lot so we'll be sitting at dinner and she'll be eating her food and I'll just lightly graze her leg and every single time she freaks out and hits her legs on the table because she's so talk. It's fantastic! Oh I've got a better one! So there was on time that I was doing my hair in the bathroom and I saw her go in my room and behind my door so I was like YES! I've got her now and so I just ran up and pushed the door and scared the crap out of her and accidentally hurt her with the door knob but that's what she gets for trying to scare me!
ANYWAY! I love you all and I'm so excited to talk to you guys sometime on Monday! I miss you guys but I'm so excited to go to Mexico! I'm not coming home any time soon, maybe I'll never come home :) Just kidding! Maybe.. Depends on how much I like it in Mexico! Thank you for all the support and the letters. You guys are the best family in the whole world! Thank you for giving me this opportunity to learn and grow in the gospel! I love my Savior so much and I love the scriptures and the power of the Holy Ghost!
Hermana Huff
PS: For my missionary plaque I think I want my scripture to be
3 Nephi 5:13. It's super powerful.
Travel Plans!! |
We are so Happy! |
This is Sister Brooks, She is one of our MTC moms! (Branch
Presidency wife)
These are my favorite group of Elders! They were my MTC best
My MTC best friend! |
Elder Crawford, Elder Penrod, Me, Hermana Chatwin :)
This is our new Zone! WE got 6 new elders! SO fun!
I always tried to take his name tag so we switched :) I was
Elder Wilmot for like 5 minutes :)
Hermana Osborne! She is the BEST teacher!
We found caterpillars on a tree and put them on as
Our beautiful Zone :) Okay Elders from left to right.
Crawford, Hood, Takke, LaFrance, Penrod is kneeling and then Young is in the
Ride to Mexico, anyone? |
Shelly and Taylor's friend Jeramiah |
Aguascalientes Hermanas |
Missions, Here we come! |
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