Wow, It´s only been 2 months? It feels like years since I´ve seen you! But it also feels like I´ve only been in Mexico for 2 days! It´s been 3 weeks ... Crazy! Everyone tells me after 3 weeks the time just flies by. Hopefully that´s true! And hopefully I´ll learn Spanish faster, but I´m trying to be patient with myself. I know I´ll get it :)
Dad! Happy Father´s Day yesterday! I thought about you a ton yesterday! I miss you a lot but I know you would rather have me here for Father´s day than with you :) But for this email I wanted to tell one short story for mom, and then as a Father´s Day present I am going to share my testimony with you because that is the most precious gift I have to give.
Anyway, my story. So we are teaching a girl named Esmeralda, she is 11 and she was adopted by a member family and so she is taking the discussions so she can get baptized. She is so cute and I kind of want Daniel to marry her! But this family is so great and they have another daughter who is also 11, Nicole, and a son who is 10, Jeremy. So the three kids have challenged me to a race to see who can learn the Articles of Faith faster. Me in Spanish and them in English, so they started teaching me the Articulos de Fe and they laughed at me as I tried to remember all the words and as I tried to pronounce everything and then I taught them the first 2 in English and I was put to shame. They memorized both of them in like 10 minutes and then asked for more. I pretended like I didn´t remember the 3rd one so that they wouldn´t win the race to memorize. But on Sunday I wrote all the Articles of Faith in English for them and brought it to church and they were soo excited! It was so cute!
Okay, now for Dad´s present (Prepare yourself, get some tissues, because you´re going to cry.) Dad, I just want to share my testimony about this wonderful Gospel. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS GOSPEL and I´m so grateful that I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I know without a doubt that this is the true and only Church of Jesus Christ.
I love my Savior Jesus Christ more than any other person. And I know He lived and He established his church and He performed tremendous miracles and paid the price for my sins as He suffered in the Garden. I know with all my heart that He lives and that He stands at the head of this church. I love the EFY song that says, there´s One who knows you perfectly, he can take the hurt away. I know this to be true. I know He knows me better than I know myself and He knows exactly what I need to experience to grow and change to become more like Him. He can take all my pain, sorrow, doubts, and fears away all I have to do is lean on Him and allow Him into my life.
I have a huge love, appreciation, testimony of the Atonement and the power of the Atonement. I know that through the Atonement we can be whole and we can be cleansed from every sin. On my mission I have been the most worthy I have ever been in my whole life but I have never felt so unworthy to preach and teach the gospel. I´m just a little girl who can´t speak Spanish and who has a small testimony, but Hermana Mora reminded me that if I do as much as I can He has paid the price for the rest. He is standing, sitting, walking next to me and He is encouraging me every moment of the day. I love my Savior and I know He lives.
I know that Joseph Smith was a true and living prophet. He was such an incredible man. He went through so many trials and afflictions to restore this gospel. And I think my mission is hard. I know he saw my Heavenly Father and Christ, and the Holy Ghost testifies this to me every time I teach about the restoration.
I love the power of the Holy Ghost. Every time I pray I can feel his presence and influence in my life. I get super emotional every time I feel the Spirit because I can feel God´s love for me.
I know God loves me and He care for me. I am overwhelmed by His love every time I study, pray, talk about Him. It is truly incredible.
I know with every fiber of my being that the Book of Mormon is the word of God and that it is true. I love reading in it every day. And I feel the closest to my Heavenly Father and Savior when I read it. The Book of Mormon contains answers to life´s questions and we can find so much comfort in it´s words.
I know that Thomas S. Monson is a living prophet today and that He receives revelation directly from God and that he directs the church and gives us guidance in the things that we must do upon this earth.
I know I will live with God and my family again after this earth if I am true and faithful and I can´t wait to stand before my Heavenly Father with Christ at my side on Judgment Day and have Him look at me with pleasure and say, "Well done thou good and faithful servant." And I will do everything I can to achieve this honor. Because I know this is the greatest honor I can receive.
I know life is hard, all the time, but if we endure to the end and enjoy to the end, we can have eternal life and become like Heavenly Father.
I love you guys and I hope that was a good enough present Dad! I love you so much and I´m so grateful for the example that you and mom have set for me and the rest of the kids. I am so grateful that I have this gospel and I love talking about it all day every day. I miss you tons but I need to keep increasing my testimony and having hard experiences so I can grow :) As much as I dislike my trials and problems, I know that they are small compared to what Christ went through and I know I´m not alone.
You all are incredible and I love reading about how sad you are without me :)
Hermana Huff
Our study home
and gorditas!
said that this barbie looked like me... Just cuz I´m white and blonde |
Our investigator Blanca and her daughter Anette |
Hermana Mora and I
got stuck in a rain storm. Seriously, the rain is crazy here. It´s like a movie -
one second it´s fine and the next it´s pouring down rain! |
Anette cleaning my shoes. I have many helpers here in
Aguascalientes! :)
Pday fun! This is a park in down town Aguascalientes.
Our investigator Mary (Her 82 birthday!) and Blanca.
Also those things are corn with Mayo, chili and cheese.
Super interesting. Still haven´t decided if I liked it or not.
This is Hermano Porfirio (He is a recent convert) who made
the corn things.
Also, Esmeralda, Nicole and Jeremy! The kids who are
teaching me the Articles of Faith!
Hermana Mora´s 8 month Anniversary was Saturday so we bought
ice cream!
Also this is Blanca our investigator! |
Happy 2 month to me and Feliz Dia del Padre!