Monday, June 9, 2014

Wow! Another week has gone by?

Hola Familia!

Wow, I don´t even know where to start! First off I have a funny story to tell. 
So, Friday we were leaving an appointment and walking down this long dirt road and a car drove past us, stopped and then backed up a little and it was two girls that were in their twenties and they asked if we wanted a ride. Hermana Mora and I looked at each other and we were like, "Um, SURE!" It was a hot day and we had a long way to walk so we get in the car and start talking. Come to find out these girls aren´t members, but they were SUPER nice, and one asked if we could come meet her family and if we would come to some place with her the next day (but it was Sunday and we had church and she lives super far away.) Anyway, this whole time I´m thinking, "Wow, these are the easiest contacts or new investigators ever." So, we get to our next appointment and they asked for our number and we talked for a little bit more and then got out of the car. So I close the door and I was like, "Oh my gosh Hermana, they were so nice," and she just looked at me like I was crazy and I was like "What?" And she starts laughing. So at this point I´m SUPER confused and wondering what I missed and so then she is like, "I don't think they were trying to be nice Hermana... I think they were lesbians."  And I was like "WHAT? How?" And she was like, "Non members don´t usually stop and give us rides and the one with the green eyes wasn´t looking at you like a friend." And I just started laughing because I find it hilarious and who knows if they were lesbians or not, they were super nice! So maybe they´ll call and ask me on a date :) So, maybe I got hit on by my first lesbian in Mexico. Woo Hoo! 
Sunday, we got a ward mission leader! Oh I am so excited to actually have one! It´s one of the really great Hermanos in our ward and he is really excited to work with us and help us out! 
Oh Mom, You don't have to worry about me starving to death. We are fed by a member every day at 3 o clock, and so I have cereal in the morning and then eat at 3 and then am so full for the rest of the day that I can´t eat anything else, but of course every house we go to for an appointment feeds us something so if anything I might get fat. Just kidding! But seriously, if we didn´t walk so much I would be worried about getting fat.
The only thing you have to worry about is I might get hit by a car. The driving here is insane! I am terrified every time we take a taxi or the bus because we talk to them and they don´t ever watch the road and they drive so fast and so close to each other and there are no lanes so it´s kind of a free for all. Surprisingly I haven´t seen an accident or anyone get hit by a car so maybe you don´t have to worry about that either :) 
Our investigators are incredible! Sometimes I get super discouraged because I get impatient with my lack of Spanish but every time I visit one of our investigators I cheer up! Also it really helps when I imagine the Savior next to me telling me how proud he is of me and how much he loves me. But that usually makes me cry because I can feel the  spirit really strong when I do that. I feel like Dad out here. (No offense Dad.) It´s not in a bad way, I promise! Every spiritual feeling I get, I tear up or get choked up, which is pretty embarrassing if you ask me, but oh well :) 
We have an investigator named Blanca who is fantastic! She has two kids one is 14 and the other is 7. Anette (7) always wants to take pictures with me and hold my hand and she always wants me to do her hair and she makes me feel so good! I love her! I´ll send pictures!

Saturday nights are party night in Mexico and this Saturday there was a fiesta that lasted from before 9 pm to after 9 in the morning. It was in one of the houses close to us and they had such loud music literally all night long. It is a miracle that I was able to sleep!
Also, I have another experience. My first Sunday I gave my testimony and I told how I had never wanted to serve a mission, but I got inspiration and I am here and I don´t know why, but I am. So we went to lunch at a family's house and their daughter Scarlett who is 18 told me that she felt the spirit so strong in my testimony and she never wanted to go on a mission but she got the inspiration and now she is going. Wow! I was shocked. Maybe she is the reason that I´m out here. I almost wanted to tell her she really doesn´t have to go, she could get married instead but I decided that was probably a bad idea :)
Well family! I hope that is enough to get you through the week. I miss you soooooo much! Seriously! You all are the best Please keep praying for me that I´ll have the gift of tongues because I need it to help these people! I don´t care if I look like a fool, I just need these people to understand me enough to know that they need this gospel in their lives.
Hermana Huff
PS: Mommy, I forgot to add Nutty bars and powdered donuts on my list for packages :) And you send the packages to the mission office. It´s the address that they gave my in my call packet. I love you.


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