Monday, June 2, 2014

One week down! 89 to go!

So I finished my first week in Mexico! Let me tell you, a mission is not a walk in the park! Who knew! I have a native companion who doesn´t speak English, so I´ve been using my dictionary and the gift of tongues ALOT! But I´m super grateful for her! She is super patient and she is a great trainer. Well I think so ( I can only understand half of what she says most of the time but the part I understand is great). So I guess the Spirit is a great trainer because I´ve learned a lot through the spirit.  But I understand more and more each day. Now I understand almost everything she says. :) I count that as a huge victory!
Okay, My first day was crazy! I woke and and we studied and then had our first lessons. I shared my testimony and followed the spirit the whole time because I literally didn´t understand a word anyone said. Everyone talks SO fast in Mexico! Oh I was so discouraged! I still get discouraged everyday but I know I have people supporting me back home and I have the Spirit and Christ as my constant companions.
Every day gets better and better, I can actually understand most of what people say and I can respond for the most part! I love the people here! They are SO nice! I can´t believe it! Some people live in little areas where there is one front door and then a courtyard with different houses around and so we knocked on the front door for one of our lessons but our investigator wasn´t there so we asked the lady that answered the door if we could share a message with her and she let us into her house and started talking to us and then started making us food. Oh my gosh it was so good! I was so surprised when she started making us food but literally that is how everyone is here! SO NICE! Who would have thought that I would fall in love with the people of Mexico! (Just the Mexican women and grandmas, not the men:))
Anyway, so my first day Hermana Mora told me to invite our investigators to be baptized and of course I said yes because that is the easy part of the lessons. I could do that all day! So I did and they all said yes. So hopefully they get baptized 12 de Julio. They have to go to church 5 times before they get baptized so that is why it´s a date that is far away. So hopefully they keep their commitments and continue on in the path. They are all super prepared and will be such good members of the church!

One of our investigators, Ismael, was running around town one day with a Book of Mormon looking for us. So we ran to his house and he was like, "This is true," and we were like, "Yeah it is." And then we taught about the Holy Ghost because he was like, "I feel a burning in my heart," and then his family came to visit and he shared what he had been learning and his grandson Luis was super interested in it. So we got a new investigator through our investigator :) The gospel is true!
I love this :) It is so hard some days, and I feel so lonely most days, but this is the Lord´s work and I can do this :)
One thing that I love is that people are always out on the street and so we can talk to so many people and they are friendly, even the ones that don´t want to listen to us. I don´t have too hard of a time talking to people because, in the MTC, President Uchtdorf told a story and the main point was I FEAR NOT MAN. And so I have made that my motto and I fear no man, I only fear that I am not doing enough for my Heavenly Father but then I start to work harder!
My companion told me something that I love. She said she heard a quote somewhere that said, "No será fácil, pero será possible." I love it! (It won´t be easy but it will be possible!)
Our apartment is tiny but it is pretty cute! We have to wash our clothes by hand so that was fun to experience for the first time! I actually loved doing it too! That´s how I´m going to wash my clothes for the rest of my life :)
I love you family and I miss you tons, but I´m not coming home (as much as I want to some days)! I need to bring this light I have to the people of Mexico :)
Hermana Huff
PS: Oh my companion is from Ecquador she has such a strong testimony! I live with Hermana Eliason who is from California and Hermana Perez who is from Mexico, but only for this week because they are getting their own apartment and then it´ll just be Hermana Mora and I. I am in Aguascalientes, El Dorado. The address that I receive letters at is the mission office.
Hermana Mora and Hermana Huff

Dinner in Aguascalientes

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