Wednesday, May 28, 2014

I made it! (Sarah's first e-mail from Mexico)

Hola Familia!

So, I made it to Aguascalientes and I met my new companion yesterday. Her name is Hermana Mora. She is from Ecuador and she only speaks Spanish so looks like I´ll be learning Spanish super fast! Mexico is SUPER different than America but it is super fun here already! I teach my first lessons tonight so I´ll tell you how those go on my next Pday. I only have a couple minutes to write but I love you and I´m safe ... well as safe as you can be in Mexico :)

I already had my first street contact and all because of my eyes, and I also ran into something on the street and then this guy started talking to us and trying to speak English. It was super fun and everyone seems so nice here! I got in at 2:30 pm yesterday and met the Mission President and his wife. They only speak Spanish which was super frustrating at first and super overwhelming but I´m adjusting and I´m going to know Spanish in 2 months! Well, hopefully! I´m so glad that I got to talk to you guys yesterday, thanks for waking up so early!

Our apartment is SUPER small and we have 4 hermanas that are sharing it. But I felt a lot better about it after I got all my clothes out of my suitcase and once I got to sleep. This morning we woke up at 6am so that we could do excercises and those helped a lot with the stress also! But seriously my companion is fantastic and she is so helpful and she is trying to learn a little bit of English. She is very patient with me and helps me correct my mistakes. I´m so glad that I got a Spanish speaking companion because I have barely said a word in English! Sometimes it´s frustrating but I know it is a gift from Heavenly Father so I can get more comfortable with Spanish!

My companion told me that she had inspiration about me before I was her companion. She was walking down the street and she heard a voice that said she was going to train Hermana Huff and she was like What? and then she saw my name on the bulletin and then when she saw my name she was super excited because she wanted a North American because she likes helping people. Ella es lo mejor! (She is the best!)

I can´t believe I´m actually here. It felt like this day would never come! I´m going to make the best of it :) I love you all!


Hermana Huff

Meet Sarah's Mission President and his lovely wife ....
Ernestina and Juan Villarreal
Juan Manuel Villarreal Moran, 54, and Luz Ernestina Garza Lizardi de Villarreal, six children, Aeropuerto Ward, San Luis Rio Colorado Mexico Stake. Brother Villarreal is a counselor in the Mexico Tijuana Mission and former counselor in a stake presidency, high councilor, district president, branch president and counselor in a branch presidency. Customs agent, Mexico Federal Government. Born in San Luis Rio Colorado, Sonora, Mexico, to Gamez Ricardo Villarreal and Estela Moran Gomez.

Sister Villarreal is a stake public affairs director and former district Young Women president, counselor in a ward Young Women presidency, branch Relief Society president and institute teacher. Born in La Paz, Baha California, Mexico, to Antonio Garza Flores and Aida Lizardi Agramont.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Mission Advice for Sarah

Sarah leaves the Missionary Training Center on Monday to head for Aguascalientes Mexico. If you leave a comment with some advice or message for Sarah, her Mom will get it to her in a letter. Here's the advice that Sarah's family gave her before she left on her mission:

·         Always remember that this is the Lords work and not yours. It must be done the Lord’s way or there won’t be success. Seek his guidance and constantly listen and follow the spirit to know His will concerning what you should do and when. - Dad

·         The Holy Spirit converts people, not the missionaries. We are instruments in the Lord’s hands, but he is the Savior, not us. We must be led by and teach by the spirit. -Dad

·         If it ever seems like there is no one in your area that wants to hear the gospel, remember that He has called you to that area. If there was no one who would accept the gospel in that area, then the Lord would not have missionaries there. - Dad

·         Lose yourself in the work and in the service of others and the Lord. – Dad

·         If you dig in your heels at every challenge, you make it harder for the Lord to provide miracles. – Mom and Elder Scott

·         Use your many talents – music, humor, love of children, intelligence, etc. - to serve the Lord. – Mom

·         The Lord qualifies those that he calls. It doesn’t matter if you don’t feel prepared before you are called because the Lord will shape you and sharpen you into the tool he wants to use. We only have to provide the raw materials. – Mom

·         Don’t take negative responses personally. Remember that you are representing the Lord. Those that love the Lord will love you. Those that hate the Lord will hate you. “It’s not you, it’s them.” - Mom

·         There are 3 people you need to convert on your mission. Your first priority is to convert yourself. Your second priority is to convert your companion. Then you need to convert the people you are called to serve. - Josh

·         Don't judge'll be happier. You'll be in a new culture where they don't do things the way you are used to.  It's a slippery slope to start complaining and judging them about the way they do things.  Love them for who they are. Same goes for your companions. - Josh

·         Don't compare yourself to others. There will be great missionaries on your mission and lousy ones.  Don't compare yourself to either group.  Comparing yourself to people that you feel are better than you will lead to discouragement.  Comparing yourself to those you feel like you are ahead of will lead to pride.  Either one makes it difficult to truly love others. - Josh

  • Look to others for examples.  Find the good in what they do.  But measure your personal progress against where you were yesterday, and make sure that you personally get a little better every day.  That's all that matters. -Josh

·         Don’t doubt when you come across anti-Mormon information. If, at some point in your life, you come across a brick that does not fit into your wall, don't rebuild your entire wall to fit the brick. Just lay the brick aside, and one day you will find where it fits in your wall. It may be six months from now, it may be 60 years. But the Lord will show you where it fits one day. - Auj

·         A mission is like marriage. You have to just decide you are in it for the long-haul, no matter what. Even when you want to set your companion on fire. (But you don't, because you love them :) Some days are hard, but you are out there because you love Heavenly Father." - Auj

·         Become a Mexican. Don't try and cook American foods using Mexican ingredients. You will just become frustrated. Learn how to cook like a Mexican, get cooking lessons from the old Mexican Maria's, and send Audrey your recipes! " – Auj

·         Culture – Latin countries have customs and ways of being that are WAY different than what you are used to.  It will take you a good 6 months before you feel like you aren’t drowning. Don’t get offended by exact translations from English to Spanish. You are going to hear something that will piss you off because you think they are being rude but take a minute to understand the true meaning before you react. I remember getting mad about stuff that didn’t mean at all what I thought it did. - Rob

·         Be obedient – The most joy you will ever have on your mission will be when you find someone to listen to the message of the gospel and then they decide to change their lives for the better. There is a joy that will surprise you when you are truly working selflessly for the salvation of Heavenly Father’s children. Obedience is the key to success with this.  You can’t teach with the spirit if you aren’t in tuned to it, and you certainly won’t find through the spirit if you aren’t obedient. “There is a law irrevocably decreed in heavenly… And when we obtain any blessing from God, it is by obedience to that law upon which it is predicated.” Your blessing will be to participate in the Joy of salvation. -Rob

·         Have Joy in your trials! If you can understand that trials are made to strengthen you and test you, you can find happiness in the fact that Heavenly Father is shaping you into something He can use more effectively every day. In fact be worried when everything seems to be going good and you haven’t been having a hard time….cause it will be soon. That is the nature of a mission! So fun! – Rob

·         If you want to love someone, or get along with them…serve them. Service changes both of your hearts – Rob

·         You won’t be able to control what happens to you, but you can control how you respond and how you let it affect you. – Katie

·         Happiness is a choice! Laugh when you want to cry; hug and serve when you feel like slappingJ - Katie

·         Your joy or sorrow is contagious. Choose joy and wait for others to follow. – Katie

·         No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. – Katie (your favorite)

·         Be ready for disappointment. You can’t control other people’s actions or force them to follow the commandments, so do not be discouraged when those you are serving do not change. – Eric

·         Know when to move on to the next investigator. “They’re peacocks … you gotta let them fly!” – Eric

·         You are loved!  You’ve made such an amazing decision and we are extremely proud of you. – Mackenzie

·         Remember to laugh and smile. Your laugh and face is contagiousJ - Mackenzie

·         A mission is a once in a lifetime experience. Remember that even if you are nervous now, you will be happy with your decision in the future—especially in two+ years! – Mackenzie

·         Don’t be discouraged by the actions of other missionaries. Even missionaries do stupid stuff. - Derek

·         If you ask for it, Heavenly Father will give it to you. So if you pray for it, it will happen. – Amy

·         If you are feeling depressed, get help! Talk to your mission president, his wife, your zone or district leaders, anyone! Don’t you dare NOT talk to anyone! - Emily

·         If your companion is being difficult, talk to her. And then tell your leaders so they can actually do something! – Emily

·         Don’t flirt to convert. You want true conversions, not “Wow! This sister is attractive and she acts like she likes me so I’m going to do this for her!” – Shelly

·         Try to make all of your companions your best friend. It should be a lot easier for both of you if you are comfortable with each other and have learned to love each other. - Shelly

·         Don’t touch the boys. – Daniel

·         Don’t pull an “Amy” and hurt your knee. – Daniel

·         Don’t die. - Daniel
So, what's your advice or message for Sarah? Leave a comment and we'll get it to her.

Last E-mail from the CCM!

Hola Familia!
Holy Cow, do you guys realize I leave the CCM on Monday! That's in 4 days! Woo Hoo!! I'm so excited but also super SUPER nervous but I know I'll love it there! I know I'm going to love the people because I already do... now :)
 At the CCM there are people that walk around called "gold tag investigators" and we are supposed to talk with them and teach them and stuff and it's supposed to be like street contacting. So, Hermana Madsen and I never really talked to any of them because we were both pretty shy and not confident in our spanish but one day during language study we were about to do TAL (the online spanish learning thing we do) and I had just logged in and I got this feeling that we needed to go outside and find a gold tag investagator. So of course I said to myself, "well darn, looks like I'm learning Spanish in a different way today." But I closed my computer right away and I was like, "Hermana, we're going to go talk to a gold tag investagator" and she looked at me with these big eyes and a worried face and I just smiled at her, got up and was like, "Vamos!" So right when we walked out I looked for the first gold tag I could find and we walked (I walked and she followed like right behind me, out of sight). And that is how we met Gabriel. He is fantastic! Like, seriously wow. So at first we just talked about normal stuff. I asked him about his family and how his wife and him met which was a hilarious story! ( He did good at tricking her to fall in love with him) He showed us pictures of them and we told stories about ourselves and laughed and had a good time. I was so happy that we went and met him! Oh, one thing that I loved was that he told us that we would be speaking spanish perfectly in 2 months. I'm calling it a prophesy! I hope it comes true! I've just got to keep working on it and not get complacent :) Gabriel told me I could learn Spanish in 2 months so I'm going to make him proud :) Anyway! So he told us that we should come see him the next day and talk with him more and he could help us with spanish and stuff like that so we were SUPER excited and we went and met with him the next day and he told us all these incredible stories about his family and what he had done in his life and how Heavenly Father has blessed him. So after one story that he told about prayer and how God answers our prayers I just took my name tag off and I was like, "Gabriel, will you go to Mexico for me and teach? You're incredible!" and he just laughed and was like, "No, Hermana Huff, they need you there!" Oh my gosh, I learned so much from him. He has had a hard life but he knows that God has always been there for him. So we taught a bit about eternal families. It was incredible. I'll get a picture with him and send it home!
Anyway! So I got my travel plans last Friday and guess what time I leave on Sunday! That's right, 2:30 AM :) So I leave here at 2:30 which means that I will probably get to the airport at 3:30 AM and then my flight leaves at 6 AM to Dallas and I arrive in Dallas at 9:40 AM and then my flight to Aguascalientes is at 11:45 AM and I arrive in Mexico at 2 PM! WOO! I cannot wait! But anyway, I WILL be calling some of you at 3:30 in the morning. So Emily or Shelly make sure your phone is turned on loud! I don't care if you have work or school in the morning. I'm more important :) But then I'll have like an hour and a halfish in Dallas to call so just be prepared, I don't know when I'll be calling :) Mom, you can send me a letter with a schedule of who wants to be called when and I'll try my hardest to follow it. Discuss it amongst yourselves.
So, Ready for another incredible experience that I had? So Sunday night devotional we usually have a speaker and then we watch a movie (like the testaments or legacy or something like that) but this week they stood up and they were like we're going to watch "The Characters of Christ" by David A. Bednar for tonights devotional and I was like, "What?! No speaker?!" I was pretty disappointed so I sat there and watched this movie, expecting to watch two movies in one night, but then after the movie ended IN WALKS DAVID A. BEDNAR! Everyone scrambled to their feet and I was like Holy Moly that's David A. Bednar! So he walks right up the pulpit and is like, "I'm here to answer any questions you have for me about what you just watched or anything else." I literally almost peed myself. Good thing I went to the bathroom before the devotional! So that was a pretty cool experience :) That makes 6 of the 12 apostles that have come to see us! We are super special!
We had our last lesson with "Florangel" (she's actually our teacher) yesterday it went really well! Hermana Madsen still doesn't talk much during the lesson but she did really well in this last lesson I was so proud! 
Oh, okay! Last story that I will tell is a funny experience. So Hermana Traenor always tries to scare me or creep me out or do something to me and so I've started doing the same thing back and I'd say I'm getting pretty good! So there was one time I had just gotten out of the shower, just put my towel and she jumps OUT OF THE BATHROOM CLOSET and scares the crap out of me. So I'm like on the floor trying to calm down and breath because I'm laughing so hard and I was also scared to death but luckily I survived that attack! So she is super sensitive to light toughes and they freak her out a lot so we'll be sitting at dinner and she'll be eating her food and I'll just lightly graze her leg and every single time she freaks out and hits her legs on the table because she's so talk. It's fantastic! Oh I've got a better one! So there was on time that I was doing my hair in the bathroom and I saw her go in my room and behind my door so I was like YES! I've got her now and so I just ran up and pushed the door and scared the crap out of her and accidentally hurt her with the door knob but that's what she gets for trying to scare me! 
ANYWAY! I love you all and I'm so excited to talk to you guys sometime on Monday! I miss you guys but I'm so excited to go to Mexico! I'm not coming home any time soon, maybe I'll never come home :) Just kidding! Maybe.. Depends on how much I like it in Mexico! Thank you for all the support and the letters. You guys are the best family in the whole world! Thank you for giving me this opportunity to learn and grow in the gospel! I love my Savior so much and I love the scriptures and the power of the Holy Ghost! 
Hermana Huff
PS: For my missionary plaque I think I want my scripture to be 3 Nephi 5:13. It's super powerful.
Travel Plans!!

We are so Happy!

This is Sister Brooks, She is one of our MTC moms! (Branch Presidency wife)

These are my favorite group of Elders! They were my MTC best friends!

My MTC best friend!

Elder Crawford, Elder Penrod, Me, Hermana Chatwin :)

This is our new Zone! WE got 6 new elders! SO fun!

I always tried to take his name tag so we switched :) I was Elder Wilmot for like 5 minutes :)

Hermana Osborne! She is the BEST teacher!

We found caterpillars on a tree and put them on as mustaches!

Our beautiful Zone :) Okay Elders from left to right. Crawford, Hood, Takke, LaFrance, Penrod is kneeling and then Young is in the back.

Ride to Mexico, anyone?

Shelly and Taylor's friend Jeramiah

Aguascalientes Hermanas

Missions, Here we come!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Sometimes Love is Loud:)

Hola Familia!

WOW! I can't believe that it has already been a week since my last P-Day and already been 4 days since I talked to you guys on Mother's Day! That was such a cool experience and I'm so glad that I got to talk to you guys! The time went by WAY too fast but I'm glad I at least got to talk for half an hour! I loved hearing your voices! So right after a hung up I got up and I looked at Hermana Chatwin and I was like, "That was wierd, I feel like it was just a dream." So then we were walking back to our classroom and I was like it seriously feels like hours since I called my family, it doesn't even feel like I called them. The mission does weird thing to your brain.. things that actually happen seem like dreams and dreams seem like real life. It's some crazy stuff!

So, I'm pretty sure that our district as broken the record for most apostles seen in the MTC! This last Tuesday Devotional we had L. Tom Perry for our speaker! It was insane!! So that makes it 5 apostles in the 4 weeks I have been here. That is unheard of apparently! They like to spoil us! 

Tomorrow I will have been in the MTC for a whole month! WOW! I don't know if that feels like a realistic amount of time here or if it feels like I've been here longer or shorter.. Every day is different! But we should be getting our travel plans tomorrow!! I only have a week and a half left in the MTC and then I get to go on my mission :) I always talk about things that I'm going to do when I get on my mission (in Mexico). For example, "Guys, Can you imagine how much better it's going to be when we're actually on our missions?" and people always look at me weird and are like, "Hermana Huff, you know that you're on your mission right now, right?" But they don't understand. It doesn't feel like I'm actually on a mission at this point. I'm just in my Pre-mission learning stage where I learn how to teach and speak the language and then when I'm actually in Mexico (IN 2 WEEKS) that's when my mission actually begins even though I'll be a month and a half into my mission. CRAZY!!

But Hermana Madsen and I are becoming a stronger companionship! It is taking much longer than I want it to but she is starting to improve on her Spanish and we are actually teaching together! WOO HOO! I challenged her to stop using notes to teach her parts of the lesson and she actually did it! I was so proud! It's so much easier to follow the Spirit and feel the Spirit when you're not reading notes off a paper. Our lessons have improved so much since the beginning of this week! It's a miracle!
All 3 of our investigators have accepted baptismal dates so that was a huge confidence boost for Hermana Madsen! I was so grateful for that! So during our lesson with Samuel earlier this week we invited him to be baptized and Hermana Madsen was super nervous because I made her extend the invitation and so she finishes reading the question off the paper and he sits there and is like yes, I want that. And she gasps and starts laughing! It was fantastic, she was so happy haha! And so of course I start laughing because she was so surprised by his yes and I thought it was hilarious and Samuel is just sitting there with such a confused look on his face and he's like, "Are you Hermanas okay?" And I was like "YES! we're just super excited for you" and Hermana Madsen is just covering her mouth and nodding. It was fantastic. She had such a huge smile on her face for the rest of that day and her confidence definitely increased after that experience and she was more prepared for when the other two accepted baptism. There was no gasping on her part :) Heavenly Father knew what she needed, and what I needed too!

So Hermana Treanor loves Camp Rock and High School Musical and pretty much every cheesy musical that I love so there are sometimes in the day where we just break out into song and dance and put on a mini talent show for our district and sometimes even the cafeteria. Actually that is a funny story. So one day I'm coming back to my seat in the cafeteria getting salad and Hermana Treanor points at me and starts singing this me from Camp Rock and so of course I have to sing Joe Jonas's part and so then she gets up and starts dancing so I have to start dancing with her and we're in the middle of the cafeteria singing and dancing (you're not supposed to dance at the CCM) and everyone is looking at us like we're so strange and so we finish the song and sit down and one of the cafeteria workers comes over and is like "Hermanas, we like to keep it reverent in the cafeteria so please refrain from singing and dancing" so now we can't sing or dance in the cafeteria... It's a real shame. And sometimes I laugh really loud when people tell me funny things, you guys all ready know this, and they come over and are like quiet dignity Hermanas. I think we get that every single meal time.. It's a great time :) We're great at being quiet! Our district motto is "sometimes love is loud" and it totally fits us!

But I love you all!! I'm doing great! I've got the Lord to help me and the Holy Ghost to be my guide! I got a new bed so I'm sleeping better :) (I had to sweet talk the maintenance guys to switch my mattresses but it worked :)) I'm eating. I'm laughing. I'm smiling. It's a great life here but I can't wait to leave for my mission :) Hope everything is great at home!! Actually I know it is because you guys write me letters every day which I absolutely love!! Keep going! I'm the most loved missionary at the MTC. Actually in the Whole World! I love it :) And I love you guys!

Hermana Huff :)
Outside the temple :)
I found this weird tree bush thing

They let us walk to the BYU Sacred Gifts exhibit and it was my chance to escape :)

​I don't know what this is but we found it on one of our walks!

They are re roofing our classroom for the first picture and stuff always falls off the roof into my hair..

The first one it was so windy that a tree fell over!

And the second one I'm wearing Amy and my name tags :) So precious!

Spanish for missionaries! Different languages are hard :P

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Tengo un SURPRISE para ustedes! (I have a surprise for you!)

Hola Familia!
So guess what! I won the prize for being the best missionary at the CCM and so now I get to call home on Mother's Day! Just kidding about the best missionary part BUT I do get to call home on Mother's Day!! This is the first time in the history of the world that missionaries at the MTC get to call home. I guess our group is pretty special or something... What am I saying, Of course we are special! We are the best group of missionaries in the history of the world, obviously! (No offense to all the other missionaries in the history of the world). But seriously, I don't know why they are letting all of us call home but Sunday I will be calling you guys at 2:30 pm! Mom, just Dear Elder me who to call. I'm so excited!!
This week went by SOO fast! I can't believe that it's already Thursday! WOW. It feels like yesterday was just Sunday. But I guess time flies when you're serving the Lord! But also time feels so slow when you're at the MTC! I have been here 3 weeks and a day and it feels like I never had a life before the MTC. A Mission is like the Plan of Salvation. The MTC life is like Earth Life and Pre-MTC life is like Pre-mortal life and life after the mission is like eternal life . I'm told I had a life before the MTC and I can read about it in my journal and I know I had a life before the MTC but sometimes it's hard to realize that I wasn't always a missionary. I wasn't born in the MTC, I was sent here to grow and to gain experience,  I have parents back home and if I do all the things that are required of me I can return to live with you guys again. I'm sorry for that analogy, I feel like a big nerd now :) But that's what a mission does to you I guess!
I am having fun! I started meeting new people every day and making friends and that is what gets me through the day! The language is coming along and I am still trying to help Hermana Madsen become confident in her teaching and language so I always am busy! Sometimes it is frustrating because she has a different life style than I do but I am definitely learning patience and that's what I asked for! Amy wasn't lying, when you ask Heavenly Father for something, he will give it to you. I just wish he would've just made me patient right away, instead of making me work for it, but it's called missionary work for a reason! 
So, prepare yourself to be extremely jealous. On Tuesday Jeffery R. Holland came and talked to us at our Evening Devotional! Oh my heavens it was SO incredible! He has this amazing way of making you feel so good about feeling so bad about yourself. The whole time I was sitting there listening thinking, "I don't know whether to feel scared that he is yelling at us or privileged." I decided to go with the privileged thought! He was so emotional and funny and serious and demanding and nice all at the same time and I don't know how he does it! He talked about how his mission meant EVERYTHING to him and how he would find us, come after us, and beat us up if he ever found out we weren't taking this work seriously. I don't know about anyone else but I wouldn't even be upset if Elder Hollland beat me up. I would feel honored, but also horrible about myself. Gosh, I don't know what to feel when I'm around him. But I decided that I would rather not have Elder Holland beat me up and I want my mission to mean EVERYTHING to me also. 
He also talked about how we are inviting people to come unto Christ but we can't do that unless we are there with Christ. The Verb is Come which means I have to already be converted unto Christ before I try to convert others. I can't say Go unto Christ. I want to be there with Christ and also, Go unto Christ just sounds lame. He talked about how Preach My Gospel was created to convert the Missionaries. That is the purpose of that book. It converts the missionaries and shows them the What and we have to figure out the How. 
So Hermana Traenor started doing this thing where she tries to scare me all the time and I must say it is hilarious, but she does this freaky voice and comes up behind me and strokes the back of my arm and I freak out every time. I can't help it! Last Night I was in my room, with the door closed (or so I thought) and I was getting ready for bed, I was facing the wall and about to put my pajamas on when I feel this stroke and hear this voice. I screamed, jumped on my bed and rolled into this ball and I just laughed for like 5 minutes. I also cried but that was from laughing so much. She is so funny! I love all the Hermanas in my district, I couldn't survive without them!
I love being here! I love being on a spiritual high all the time! I love this gospel and I love bringing joy to other people's lives. I can't imagine coming home. Even though I'm not out in the field, yet, I already love my mission, and I'm sure I'm going to love being in the field more and I can't wait! 2 and a half more weeks and then I'm in Mexico! WOO HOO! I love my Savior and Heavenly Father. I KNOW this church is true and I KNOW that the only way we can gain eternal life is through Christ and his Atonement. I KNOW Christ lives and that he knows me and knows how to help me. I'm so grateful for the Holy Ghost. I never realized it before but we can have a member of the Godhead with us at all times if we live worthily. I think sometimes we take the Holy Ghost for granted but he is a member of the Godhead and I love having him as my constant companion. 
I love you and I'm glad you guys are doing so well!! I love you and miss you but not enough to come home :)
Like Nehemiah said while he was building the wall, I cannot stop for I am doing a great work.
Talk to you Sunday! Oh by the way, I only have an hour!
Hermana Huff :) 
Okay! Picture Time!!
​​I don't know if I have sent these pictures yet, but yeah! If I have just ignore them but don't really because I'm your daughter and you shouldn't ignore anything about me. LOVE YOU ALL

Mirror Selfies...

This is how we look at night... Aren't we so attractive?!

This is how Hermana Chatwin and I sit every night while we write in our Journals. I'm so grateful for her!

Hermana Traenor said she never went to prom so my bear asked her and we made her a corsage out of a butter packet. She had a great time :) They danced all night and looked into each other's eyes. They'll probably get married.

They changed the doorknob on the bathroom door so I don't get stuck anymore!!

It's raining again... Utah is SO bipolar. No me gusta! Do you like my frowning attempt?

It's supposed to be getting hotter not colder! It feels like winter here!