Thursday, May 15, 2014

Sometimes Love is Loud:)

Hola Familia!

WOW! I can't believe that it has already been a week since my last P-Day and already been 4 days since I talked to you guys on Mother's Day! That was such a cool experience and I'm so glad that I got to talk to you guys! The time went by WAY too fast but I'm glad I at least got to talk for half an hour! I loved hearing your voices! So right after a hung up I got up and I looked at Hermana Chatwin and I was like, "That was wierd, I feel like it was just a dream." So then we were walking back to our classroom and I was like it seriously feels like hours since I called my family, it doesn't even feel like I called them. The mission does weird thing to your brain.. things that actually happen seem like dreams and dreams seem like real life. It's some crazy stuff!

So, I'm pretty sure that our district as broken the record for most apostles seen in the MTC! This last Tuesday Devotional we had L. Tom Perry for our speaker! It was insane!! So that makes it 5 apostles in the 4 weeks I have been here. That is unheard of apparently! They like to spoil us! 

Tomorrow I will have been in the MTC for a whole month! WOW! I don't know if that feels like a realistic amount of time here or if it feels like I've been here longer or shorter.. Every day is different! But we should be getting our travel plans tomorrow!! I only have a week and a half left in the MTC and then I get to go on my mission :) I always talk about things that I'm going to do when I get on my mission (in Mexico). For example, "Guys, Can you imagine how much better it's going to be when we're actually on our missions?" and people always look at me weird and are like, "Hermana Huff, you know that you're on your mission right now, right?" But they don't understand. It doesn't feel like I'm actually on a mission at this point. I'm just in my Pre-mission learning stage where I learn how to teach and speak the language and then when I'm actually in Mexico (IN 2 WEEKS) that's when my mission actually begins even though I'll be a month and a half into my mission. CRAZY!!

But Hermana Madsen and I are becoming a stronger companionship! It is taking much longer than I want it to but she is starting to improve on her Spanish and we are actually teaching together! WOO HOO! I challenged her to stop using notes to teach her parts of the lesson and she actually did it! I was so proud! It's so much easier to follow the Spirit and feel the Spirit when you're not reading notes off a paper. Our lessons have improved so much since the beginning of this week! It's a miracle!
All 3 of our investigators have accepted baptismal dates so that was a huge confidence boost for Hermana Madsen! I was so grateful for that! So during our lesson with Samuel earlier this week we invited him to be baptized and Hermana Madsen was super nervous because I made her extend the invitation and so she finishes reading the question off the paper and he sits there and is like yes, I want that. And she gasps and starts laughing! It was fantastic, she was so happy haha! And so of course I start laughing because she was so surprised by his yes and I thought it was hilarious and Samuel is just sitting there with such a confused look on his face and he's like, "Are you Hermanas okay?" And I was like "YES! we're just super excited for you" and Hermana Madsen is just covering her mouth and nodding. It was fantastic. She had such a huge smile on her face for the rest of that day and her confidence definitely increased after that experience and she was more prepared for when the other two accepted baptism. There was no gasping on her part :) Heavenly Father knew what she needed, and what I needed too!

So Hermana Treanor loves Camp Rock and High School Musical and pretty much every cheesy musical that I love so there are sometimes in the day where we just break out into song and dance and put on a mini talent show for our district and sometimes even the cafeteria. Actually that is a funny story. So one day I'm coming back to my seat in the cafeteria getting salad and Hermana Treanor points at me and starts singing this me from Camp Rock and so of course I have to sing Joe Jonas's part and so then she gets up and starts dancing so I have to start dancing with her and we're in the middle of the cafeteria singing and dancing (you're not supposed to dance at the CCM) and everyone is looking at us like we're so strange and so we finish the song and sit down and one of the cafeteria workers comes over and is like "Hermanas, we like to keep it reverent in the cafeteria so please refrain from singing and dancing" so now we can't sing or dance in the cafeteria... It's a real shame. And sometimes I laugh really loud when people tell me funny things, you guys all ready know this, and they come over and are like quiet dignity Hermanas. I think we get that every single meal time.. It's a great time :) We're great at being quiet! Our district motto is "sometimes love is loud" and it totally fits us!

But I love you all!! I'm doing great! I've got the Lord to help me and the Holy Ghost to be my guide! I got a new bed so I'm sleeping better :) (I had to sweet talk the maintenance guys to switch my mattresses but it worked :)) I'm eating. I'm laughing. I'm smiling. It's a great life here but I can't wait to leave for my mission :) Hope everything is great at home!! Actually I know it is because you guys write me letters every day which I absolutely love!! Keep going! I'm the most loved missionary at the MTC. Actually in the Whole World! I love it :) And I love you guys!

Hermana Huff :)
Outside the temple :)
I found this weird tree bush thing

They let us walk to the BYU Sacred Gifts exhibit and it was my chance to escape :)

​I don't know what this is but we found it on one of our walks!

They are re roofing our classroom for the first picture and stuff always falls off the roof into my hair..

The first one it was so windy that a tree fell over!

And the second one I'm wearing Amy and my name tags :) So precious!

Spanish for missionaries! Different languages are hard :P

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