Thursday, May 8, 2014

Tengo un SURPRISE para ustedes! (I have a surprise for you!)

Hola Familia!
So guess what! I won the prize for being the best missionary at the CCM and so now I get to call home on Mother's Day! Just kidding about the best missionary part BUT I do get to call home on Mother's Day!! This is the first time in the history of the world that missionaries at the MTC get to call home. I guess our group is pretty special or something... What am I saying, Of course we are special! We are the best group of missionaries in the history of the world, obviously! (No offense to all the other missionaries in the history of the world). But seriously, I don't know why they are letting all of us call home but Sunday I will be calling you guys at 2:30 pm! Mom, just Dear Elder me who to call. I'm so excited!!
This week went by SOO fast! I can't believe that it's already Thursday! WOW. It feels like yesterday was just Sunday. But I guess time flies when you're serving the Lord! But also time feels so slow when you're at the MTC! I have been here 3 weeks and a day and it feels like I never had a life before the MTC. A Mission is like the Plan of Salvation. The MTC life is like Earth Life and Pre-MTC life is like Pre-mortal life and life after the mission is like eternal life . I'm told I had a life before the MTC and I can read about it in my journal and I know I had a life before the MTC but sometimes it's hard to realize that I wasn't always a missionary. I wasn't born in the MTC, I was sent here to grow and to gain experience,  I have parents back home and if I do all the things that are required of me I can return to live with you guys again. I'm sorry for that analogy, I feel like a big nerd now :) But that's what a mission does to you I guess!
I am having fun! I started meeting new people every day and making friends and that is what gets me through the day! The language is coming along and I am still trying to help Hermana Madsen become confident in her teaching and language so I always am busy! Sometimes it is frustrating because she has a different life style than I do but I am definitely learning patience and that's what I asked for! Amy wasn't lying, when you ask Heavenly Father for something, he will give it to you. I just wish he would've just made me patient right away, instead of making me work for it, but it's called missionary work for a reason! 
So, prepare yourself to be extremely jealous. On Tuesday Jeffery R. Holland came and talked to us at our Evening Devotional! Oh my heavens it was SO incredible! He has this amazing way of making you feel so good about feeling so bad about yourself. The whole time I was sitting there listening thinking, "I don't know whether to feel scared that he is yelling at us or privileged." I decided to go with the privileged thought! He was so emotional and funny and serious and demanding and nice all at the same time and I don't know how he does it! He talked about how his mission meant EVERYTHING to him and how he would find us, come after us, and beat us up if he ever found out we weren't taking this work seriously. I don't know about anyone else but I wouldn't even be upset if Elder Hollland beat me up. I would feel honored, but also horrible about myself. Gosh, I don't know what to feel when I'm around him. But I decided that I would rather not have Elder Holland beat me up and I want my mission to mean EVERYTHING to me also. 
He also talked about how we are inviting people to come unto Christ but we can't do that unless we are there with Christ. The Verb is Come which means I have to already be converted unto Christ before I try to convert others. I can't say Go unto Christ. I want to be there with Christ and also, Go unto Christ just sounds lame. He talked about how Preach My Gospel was created to convert the Missionaries. That is the purpose of that book. It converts the missionaries and shows them the What and we have to figure out the How. 
So Hermana Traenor started doing this thing where she tries to scare me all the time and I must say it is hilarious, but she does this freaky voice and comes up behind me and strokes the back of my arm and I freak out every time. I can't help it! Last Night I was in my room, with the door closed (or so I thought) and I was getting ready for bed, I was facing the wall and about to put my pajamas on when I feel this stroke and hear this voice. I screamed, jumped on my bed and rolled into this ball and I just laughed for like 5 minutes. I also cried but that was from laughing so much. She is so funny! I love all the Hermanas in my district, I couldn't survive without them!
I love being here! I love being on a spiritual high all the time! I love this gospel and I love bringing joy to other people's lives. I can't imagine coming home. Even though I'm not out in the field, yet, I already love my mission, and I'm sure I'm going to love being in the field more and I can't wait! 2 and a half more weeks and then I'm in Mexico! WOO HOO! I love my Savior and Heavenly Father. I KNOW this church is true and I KNOW that the only way we can gain eternal life is through Christ and his Atonement. I KNOW Christ lives and that he knows me and knows how to help me. I'm so grateful for the Holy Ghost. I never realized it before but we can have a member of the Godhead with us at all times if we live worthily. I think sometimes we take the Holy Ghost for granted but he is a member of the Godhead and I love having him as my constant companion. 
I love you and I'm glad you guys are doing so well!! I love you and miss you but not enough to come home :)
Like Nehemiah said while he was building the wall, I cannot stop for I am doing a great work.
Talk to you Sunday! Oh by the way, I only have an hour!
Hermana Huff :) 
Okay! Picture Time!!
​​I don't know if I have sent these pictures yet, but yeah! If I have just ignore them but don't really because I'm your daughter and you shouldn't ignore anything about me. LOVE YOU ALL

Mirror Selfies...

This is how we look at night... Aren't we so attractive?!

This is how Hermana Chatwin and I sit every night while we write in our Journals. I'm so grateful for her!

Hermana Traenor said she never went to prom so my bear asked her and we made her a corsage out of a butter packet. She had a great time :) They danced all night and looked into each other's eyes. They'll probably get married.

They changed the doorknob on the bathroom door so I don't get stuck anymore!!

It's raining again... Utah is SO bipolar. No me gusta! Do you like my frowning attempt?

It's supposed to be getting hotter not colder! It feels like winter here!

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