Thursday, May 22, 2014

Mission Advice for Sarah

Sarah leaves the Missionary Training Center on Monday to head for Aguascalientes Mexico. If you leave a comment with some advice or message for Sarah, her Mom will get it to her in a letter. Here's the advice that Sarah's family gave her before she left on her mission:

·         Always remember that this is the Lords work and not yours. It must be done the Lord’s way or there won’t be success. Seek his guidance and constantly listen and follow the spirit to know His will concerning what you should do and when. - Dad

·         The Holy Spirit converts people, not the missionaries. We are instruments in the Lord’s hands, but he is the Savior, not us. We must be led by and teach by the spirit. -Dad

·         If it ever seems like there is no one in your area that wants to hear the gospel, remember that He has called you to that area. If there was no one who would accept the gospel in that area, then the Lord would not have missionaries there. - Dad

·         Lose yourself in the work and in the service of others and the Lord. – Dad

·         If you dig in your heels at every challenge, you make it harder for the Lord to provide miracles. – Mom and Elder Scott

·         Use your many talents – music, humor, love of children, intelligence, etc. - to serve the Lord. – Mom

·         The Lord qualifies those that he calls. It doesn’t matter if you don’t feel prepared before you are called because the Lord will shape you and sharpen you into the tool he wants to use. We only have to provide the raw materials. – Mom

·         Don’t take negative responses personally. Remember that you are representing the Lord. Those that love the Lord will love you. Those that hate the Lord will hate you. “It’s not you, it’s them.” - Mom

·         There are 3 people you need to convert on your mission. Your first priority is to convert yourself. Your second priority is to convert your companion. Then you need to convert the people you are called to serve. - Josh

·         Don't judge'll be happier. You'll be in a new culture where they don't do things the way you are used to.  It's a slippery slope to start complaining and judging them about the way they do things.  Love them for who they are. Same goes for your companions. - Josh

·         Don't compare yourself to others. There will be great missionaries on your mission and lousy ones.  Don't compare yourself to either group.  Comparing yourself to people that you feel are better than you will lead to discouragement.  Comparing yourself to those you feel like you are ahead of will lead to pride.  Either one makes it difficult to truly love others. - Josh

  • Look to others for examples.  Find the good in what they do.  But measure your personal progress against where you were yesterday, and make sure that you personally get a little better every day.  That's all that matters. -Josh

·         Don’t doubt when you come across anti-Mormon information. If, at some point in your life, you come across a brick that does not fit into your wall, don't rebuild your entire wall to fit the brick. Just lay the brick aside, and one day you will find where it fits in your wall. It may be six months from now, it may be 60 years. But the Lord will show you where it fits one day. - Auj

·         A mission is like marriage. You have to just decide you are in it for the long-haul, no matter what. Even when you want to set your companion on fire. (But you don't, because you love them :) Some days are hard, but you are out there because you love Heavenly Father." - Auj

·         Become a Mexican. Don't try and cook American foods using Mexican ingredients. You will just become frustrated. Learn how to cook like a Mexican, get cooking lessons from the old Mexican Maria's, and send Audrey your recipes! " – Auj

·         Culture – Latin countries have customs and ways of being that are WAY different than what you are used to.  It will take you a good 6 months before you feel like you aren’t drowning. Don’t get offended by exact translations from English to Spanish. You are going to hear something that will piss you off because you think they are being rude but take a minute to understand the true meaning before you react. I remember getting mad about stuff that didn’t mean at all what I thought it did. - Rob

·         Be obedient – The most joy you will ever have on your mission will be when you find someone to listen to the message of the gospel and then they decide to change their lives for the better. There is a joy that will surprise you when you are truly working selflessly for the salvation of Heavenly Father’s children. Obedience is the key to success with this.  You can’t teach with the spirit if you aren’t in tuned to it, and you certainly won’t find through the spirit if you aren’t obedient. “There is a law irrevocably decreed in heavenly… And when we obtain any blessing from God, it is by obedience to that law upon which it is predicated.” Your blessing will be to participate in the Joy of salvation. -Rob

·         Have Joy in your trials! If you can understand that trials are made to strengthen you and test you, you can find happiness in the fact that Heavenly Father is shaping you into something He can use more effectively every day. In fact be worried when everything seems to be going good and you haven’t been having a hard time….cause it will be soon. That is the nature of a mission! So fun! – Rob

·         If you want to love someone, or get along with them…serve them. Service changes both of your hearts – Rob

·         You won’t be able to control what happens to you, but you can control how you respond and how you let it affect you. – Katie

·         Happiness is a choice! Laugh when you want to cry; hug and serve when you feel like slappingJ - Katie

·         Your joy or sorrow is contagious. Choose joy and wait for others to follow. – Katie

·         No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. – Katie (your favorite)

·         Be ready for disappointment. You can’t control other people’s actions or force them to follow the commandments, so do not be discouraged when those you are serving do not change. – Eric

·         Know when to move on to the next investigator. “They’re peacocks … you gotta let them fly!” – Eric

·         You are loved!  You’ve made such an amazing decision and we are extremely proud of you. – Mackenzie

·         Remember to laugh and smile. Your laugh and face is contagiousJ - Mackenzie

·         A mission is a once in a lifetime experience. Remember that even if you are nervous now, you will be happy with your decision in the future—especially in two+ years! – Mackenzie

·         Don’t be discouraged by the actions of other missionaries. Even missionaries do stupid stuff. - Derek

·         If you ask for it, Heavenly Father will give it to you. So if you pray for it, it will happen. – Amy

·         If you are feeling depressed, get help! Talk to your mission president, his wife, your zone or district leaders, anyone! Don’t you dare NOT talk to anyone! - Emily

·         If your companion is being difficult, talk to her. And then tell your leaders so they can actually do something! – Emily

·         Don’t flirt to convert. You want true conversions, not “Wow! This sister is attractive and she acts like she likes me so I’m going to do this for her!” – Shelly

·         Try to make all of your companions your best friend. It should be a lot easier for both of you if you are comfortable with each other and have learned to love each other. - Shelly

·         Don’t touch the boys. – Daniel

·         Don’t pull an “Amy” and hurt your knee. – Daniel

·         Don’t die. - Daniel
So, what's your advice or message for Sarah? Leave a comment and we'll get it to her.


  1. First off, I love Daniel's advice... I don't think Pres. Monson could have said it better! My advice for Sarah...
    Don't be afraid to have fun! Missionary work is exhausting so allow yourself to have a little fun with it, play tracting games with your companion.
    Tell your companion you love her... even when you want to snap her neck... some times you've got to fake it 'till you make it! (which you will, one way or another!)
    Amy and I (when we had a particularly bad day) would some times, just once, call each other by our first names... sometimes you need to be reminded you're more than just "sister"... and that's ok!
    Sarah, this is the BEST decision you will ever make in your life, you will have the BEST days and you will have what will seem like LITERALLY the WORST day EVER!!! but know, that no matter what in the end, it's all completely worth it! Every blister, every moment of sleep deprivation, every tear (and there will be many), every little thing that happens is 150% worth it!
    Lastly, some times you need someone to vent to, and sometimes prayer doesn't feel like quite enough, when that happens write me an email!! I love you Sarah, I'm so glad I get to be a little part of the extended Huff Family!

  2. " To Thine Own Self Be Enough"

    Alma 29:1-3 "O that I were an angel, and could have the wish of mine heart, that I might go forth and speak with the trump of God, with a voice to shake the earth, and cry repentance unto every people!...But behold, I am a man...

    Best tracting experience EVER! Knocking doors and asking if we could sing to the people.

    You are going to get frustrated. You are going to feel selfish for wanting moments of "normalcy". That's long as you get back on your horse and keep serving.

    You got this... ;-)
