Monday, September 15, 2014

Emergency Transfers!

Well Martes (Tuesday) we got a call at 10 at night and the zone leaders told us that we had cambios especiales (special transfers) and that I was going to Fresnillo Zacatecas! How lucky for me! I was super excited cuz I have been wanting to go to Zacatecas my whole mission but I was also super sad to leave Hermana Morinigo!  
So after moping around for a little bit I started to pack cuz we had to be in the central at 7:30 the next morning so I could take a bus all the way to Fresnillo at 8. We got to bed at 1am and woke up at 5:30 the next morning. Needless to say I was a little tired and didn´t want to move, but I like being obedient so we got to the central 10 minutes early and waited for everyone to get there. The zone leaders didn´t get there until 8am so I missed the bus, and everyone was so confused what was going to happen because my zone leaders said I was going to be traveling with another Hermana. But she was going to San Luis and then other zone leaders got there and said I was supposed to travel alone. So finally we got it all figured out (or so we thought) and I bought a ticket for the next bus and I was going to be riding to Fresnillo sola (alone.)
Turns out Hermana Rivera had bought a ticket to come to Aguascalientes to drop her companion off and to pick me up and it was too late to change my ticket, so I ended up buying a ticket for nothing and had to wait in the central until she got there. I was waiting for her until 12. I was pretty upset that I woke up so early to just sit and wait, but I enjoyed myself as I talked to everyone. Hermana Rivera got to Aguas and we went right away to buy our tickets and then got right on the bus. I felt so bad for her cuz her whole day was spent on a bus, but we had a long ride to get to know each other.
They told me that I was going to be Companions with Hermana Rivera who is from Puerto Rico and that she was pretty serious. I was kind of worried that I wouldn´t get along with her very well if she was serious, but then I actually met her and she is the complete opposite of serious. We laugh so much and I seriously love her to pieces. She has really helped me and we have only been together 4 days. I can´t believe how alike we are!
I know Heavenly Father knows me so well and He gave me her because I need what she has right now. I need her support and her encouraging words. The experiences that she has had have helped me more than I can even imagine. She has 6 months in the mission but has had a super different experience than most missionaries because she had to go back home because of visa problems and ended up serving in Puerto Rico for 3 months and then was able to come back here to finish out her mission.
She is seriously so incredible and she´s the friend, companion, hermana that I needed in this moment.The first thing she asked me was if I was obedient and I told her that I tried my absolute hardest to be exactly obedient and she was like oh thank goodness! She tells me every night that I am an answer to her prayers and that I´m her dream companion. But in reality she has helped me more than I can put into words.
I LOVE FRESNILLO! Even though it is freezing already and I have to wear a jacket every day this place is amazing! It´s a little more ghetto than Aguas but I wanted experiences right? The people are super humble and super kind! The thing that shocked me the most was that we have about 15 active members in our barrio and about 500 members total. We have to work super hard with the menos activos (active members) in this area but I know we can do it. Everyone always says Fresnillo is the most discouraging place in the mission, but I see it as a challege that just needs love and a positive attitude. I´m hoping to stay here with Hermana Rivera for the rest of my mission. 
I´m almost out of time! The hour goes by so fast! But I love you all!
Hermana Huff
PS - Check out the Fresnillo page to learn more about where Sarah lives.

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