Monday, August 25, 2014

Back in the game

Hola Family!

Well, we worked super hard this week to make up for our horrible week last week! Last week was super slow and we didn´t have as many lessons as we hoped so I felt pretty bad and I made it my goal this week to work super hard and what do you know I saw success!

It´s incredible how much Heavenly Father blesses us when we work with all our heart, might, mind, and strength. One success that I saw this week was my Spanish! I have seen a drastic change in my Spanish in the last week. I have been more diligent in my studying and it has definitely payed off. Sometimes we have times where we talk in English because Hermana Morinigo wants to work on her English and most of the time I start a sentence in English and then finish it in Spanish without even knowing. I´m really worried that I´m going to forget all my English because right now it is literally so hard for me to speak in English. I know it sounds ridiculous, but I sound like I child when I pray in English because my mind wants to talk in Spanish. Hermana Morinigo thinks it´s funny, but I´m truly concerned. I think it´ll be for the best if all you guys just learn Spanish for me. Gracias :) 
My teaching has also gotten better! I haven´t had a lesson where I didn´t feel the spirit this week, I was so happy! We had a super cool experience with one of our investigators, Sandra, this week. We gave her three baptismal dates in September and told her to pray about which one she felt was her date and that we were going to pray too and so when we got to her house for the lesson we asked her what date she felt was right and she said 27 de Septiembre and we were like, US TOO! She started crying and kept saying how crazy it was that we all got the same date and that she had the chills. I was so happy and the spirit was so strong during that lesson.
We were able to talk about hope because she just lost her job and she was pretty discouraged, but I know that the Lord is looking out for her, and I know that she will be a strong member of the church because Satan is working really hard to get her to not get baptized. She came to church yesterday with her two sons and her son Luis didn´t like it apparently because during Sunday school he left and went home. After church we all were waiting for him to come out of the classroom but he never came out and so we asked one of the young men and he said that Luis said he had to go to the bathroom during Sunday School and he never came back. Sandra called him and he was at home. We felt pretty bad that he had left but he´s 17, what can you do? We are going to try and work on getting him to feel comfortable during church and enjoy the other youth.
We had a meeting with the area seventy of Mexico Elder Valenzuela, and it was such a great meeting! It was with all the bishops and ward leaders in our stake and the other stake in Aguascalientes. Elder Valenzuela was so direct and super clear that the members need to work with the missionaries more. He talked about how President Monson spoke about how now is the time that members and missionaries need to work together to bring people to Christ and he pretty much told us that we weren´t following the prophet and we need to repent and change. I loved it!
And another miracle, I understood everything that was said in the meeting without even trying. Guys, I can speak Spanish. It´s weird to think that if you guys were here you couldn´t understand anything anyone said but I can understand pretty much everything. I always think about how you guys would feel if you came and visited me right now and saw me talking to every one and how happy I am in my little piece of Heaven.
Speaking of little piece of heaven, our area is huge and yesterday we ate with one of the members all the way in Canteras which is super far from our house, and I didn´t want to take a taxi back to our house because it was Sunday and I didn´t want to use money ( also cuz we have no money) so we walked all the way back. It took us an hour to get back to Espana which is the area closest to our house, and we were pretty tired by the time we got back, but I felt really good that we didn´t take a taxi.
Also we saw a miracle as we were walking back. We passed by a house and the gate was open and this huge dog came running at us and was about to reach us and bite us when suddenly it stopped dead in it´s tracks and turned around and walked away. We were so confused and terrified and grateful at the same time. We decided that it was a blessing for not paying for a taxi on Sunday and that the angels were watching out for us. But I seriously almost peed my pants ... the dog was so huge!
I love you all. Sorry I don´t have any fun stories to tell. I wasn´t very fun this week.. It was weird, I felt like such a missionary :P But I´ll work on having more experiences in this week. Maybe I´ll get a parasite, or lose an arm or something :) Cross your fingers that I don´t lose an arm.
Hermana Huff

These are the other elders in my ward. Elder Montes de Oca is from Guatemala and Elder Chavez is from Honduras. They are some of my favorite people!

I made us pancakes again and I failed horribly with making an M for Hermana Morinigo. Forgive me dad :)

On our hour walk yesterday we found this super pretty river! How cool is that?!

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